Launch of Minergie 2023, Minergie-ECO, Minergie-Neighbourhood, SNBS Building and SNBS-Neighborhood

Maturi e Sampietro is a “Specialized Minergie Partner” and took part in the “Launch of new labels for buildings” event organized by the Minergie Agency of Italian Switzerland and which took place on 21 September 2023 at the BancaStato Auditorium in Bellinzona.

During this meeting, the important role of labels as a driver of positive changes in Swiss energy and climate policy was discussed.


After two years of negotiations and a year of work on the contents, the renewed and harmonized Swiss standards for buildings and neighborhoods are now available. During the event Milton Generelli, Director of the Minergie Agency of Italian Switzerland, and Andrea Giovio, Head of the cantonal Minergie Certification Centre, illustrated the role of labels which act as clear signals for companies, users and society as a whole , and are aimed at developing together the path towards a climate-friendly future.

Maturi e Sampietro is a “Specialized Minergie Partner” and took part in the “Launch of new labels for buildings” event organized by the Minergie Agency of Italian Switzerland and which took place on 21 September 2023 at the BancaStato Auditorium in Bellinzona.

During this meeting, the important role of labels as a driver of positive changes in Swiss energy and climate policy was discussed.


After two years of negotiations and a year of work on the contents, the renewed and harmonized Swiss standards for buildings and neighborhoods are now available. During the event Milton Generelli, Director of the Minergie Agency of Italian Switzerland, and Andrea Giovio, Head of the cantonal Minergie Certification Centre, illustrated the role of labels which act as clear signals for companies, users and society as a whole , and are aimed at developing together the path towards a climate-friendly future.