
Ospedale Beata Vergine – Mendrisio

Nuova ala dell’Ospedale Beata Vergine di Mendrisio.

Realizzazione di facciata a celle in alluminio di grandi dimensioni, completa di frangisole in alluminio esterni atti a proteggere gli ambienti interni dal riflesso della luce solare.

Opere interne tra cui porte, cavedi e corrimani realizzate su misura nel rispetto delle norme architettoniche e con particolare attenzione al dettaglio.


Renovation of a building subject to the cultural heritage protection.

Windows made with minimal profiles, specifically carried out for this project made in order to comply with the constraints on space and aesthetics to which the building is subject.

External aluminum slats.

New wing of the Beata Vergine Hospital in Mendrisio.

Realization of large-sized aluminum cell façade, complete with external aluminum sunshades designed to protect the internal environments from the reflection of the sunlight.

Internal works including doors, shafts and handrails made to measure in compliance with architectural standards and with particular attention to all the details.